Johannes Gottlieb GÖRCKEAge: 70 years1833–1904
- Name
- Johannes Gottlieb GÖRCKE
- Given names
- Johannes Gottlieb
- Surname
Gottlieb GÖRCKE
- Name
- Gottlieb GÖRCKE
- Given names
- Gottlieb
- Surname
Birth | June 27, 1833 15 |
Religious marriage | Elisabeth Maria Magdalena CARMESIN — View this family October 17, 1882 (Age 49 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Gottlieb Moritz Carl GÖRCKE March 12, 1884 (Age 50 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Gerhard Georg Gottlieb GÖRCKE August 21, 1885 (Age 52 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Anna Elisabeth Katharina GÖRCKE February 16, 1888 (Age 54 years) |
Death of a wife | Elisabeth Maria Magdalena CARMESIN April 18, 1897 (Age 63 years) |
Occupation | Pastor |
Occupation | Pastor |
Occupation | Pastor |
Death | 1904 (Age 70 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Moritz GÖRCKE Birth: before 1818 Occupation: Pastor — Zarben, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: |
mother |
Auguste WENDT Birth: Zarben, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland |
Marriage: — |
himself |
Johannes Gottlieb GÖRCKE Birth: June 27, 1833 15 — Zarben, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Occupation: Pastor — Wusterwitz, Kr Schlawe, Pommern, Deutschland Death: 1904 — Stolzenhagen, Randow, Pommern, Deutschland |
Family with … “Gottlieb Göhrckes 1. Frau” … |
himself |
Johannes Gottlieb GÖRCKE Birth: June 27, 1833 15 — Zarben, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Occupation: Pastor — Wusterwitz, Kr Schlawe, Pommern, Deutschland Death: 1904 — Stolzenhagen, Randow, Pommern, Deutschland |
wife | |
son |
Private |
Family with Elisabeth Maria Magdalena CARMESIN |
himself |
Johannes Gottlieb GÖRCKE Birth: June 27, 1833 15 — Zarben, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Occupation: Pastor — Wusterwitz, Kr Schlawe, Pommern, Deutschland Death: 1904 — Stolzenhagen, Randow, Pommern, Deutschland |
wife |
Elisabeth Maria Magdalena CARMESIN Birth: June 26, 1844 41 37 — Woistenthin, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: April 18, 1897 |
Marriage: October 17, 1882 — |
17 months son |
Gottlieb Moritz Carl GÖRCKE Birth: March 12, 1884 50 39 Death: |
17 months son |
Gerhard Georg Gottlieb GÖRCKE Birth: August 21, 1885 52 41 Death: |
daughter |
… GÖRCKE Death: |
daughter |
… GÖRCKE Death: |
daughter |
Anna Elisabeth Katharina GÖRCKE Birth: February 16, 1888 54 43 Death: |