Ulrich Bernhard Adolph CARMESINAge: 59 years1885–1945
- Name
- Ulrich Bernhard Adolph CARMESIN
- Given names
- Ulrich Bernhard Adolph
- Surname
Family with parents |
father |
Johannes Bernhard Robert Gotthelf Wilhelm “Johann” CARMESIN Birth: August 14, 1842 40 35 — Woistenthin, Greifenberg, Pommern, Deutschland Occupation: Pastor — Gützlaffshagen, Rügen, Mecklenburg, Deutschland Death: June 25, 1896 — Lupow, Kr Stolp, Pommern, Deutschland |
mother |
Carolina Johanna “Lina” LÖHDING Birth: November 22, 1854 47 39 — Swine, Rügen, Mecklenburg, Deutschland Death: October 20, 1933 |
brother |
Private |
elder brother |
Paul Ludwig Gustav CARMESIN Birth: October 6, 1878 36 23 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Education: Universitätsstudium — between 1899 and 1903 — Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland Occupation: Pastor Death: 1945 — Bottschow, Kr Reppen, Brandenburg, Deutschland |
brother |
Private |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
elder brother |
Reinhold Martin Immanuel CARMESIN Birth: January 31, 1884 41 29 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: |
16 months himself |
Ulrich Bernhard Adolph CARMESIN Birth: June 15, 1885 42 30 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Occupation: Landwirt — 1930 — Kreis Greifswald-Land, Pommern, Deutschland Death: 1945 — Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland |
21 months younger sister |
Hildegard Anna Veronika CARMESIN Birth: March 17, 1887 44 32 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: Glückstadt, Kr Steinburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland |
younger sister |
Irmgard Marie Victoria CARMESIN Birth: March 17, 1887 44 32 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: April 4, 1888 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland |
6 years younger brother |
Günter Joachim Eberhard CARMESIN Birth: March 23, 1893 50 38 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland Death: February 18, 1894 — Drosedow, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Deutschland |
21 months younger brother |
Werner Gustav Adolph CARMESIN Birth: December 9, 1894 52 40 — Lupow, Kr Stolp, Pommern, Deutschland Death: December 4, 1915 |